Most creatives and entrepreneurs find themselves struggling to get all the tasks they need done in a single day. Taking care of business can leave you with little time to take care of yourself. Here are some ways to treat yourself better every single day.
1. Get a good nights sleep.
A lack of sleep impairs your ability to problem solve and effects your concentration, alertness, and reasoning skills. Chronic sleep loss can also contribute to high blood pressure and diabetes. As if that wasn’t enough, a lack of sleep can kill your sex drive. Avoid all these health risks and invest in a better you by aiming for seven to nine hours a night.
2. Live within your means.
Stressing about money is something that many of us have done at one time or another. Your chances of worrying about money often multiply if you are young, creative, or a business owner. Of course some people are budgeting and doing their best to save wherever they can but others are spending with no adbandon and freaking out when they see their account dwindled down at the end of the month. Ask yourself, do you really need to go to Chipotle today or can you make your lunch at home and save $9? Every little bit counts and if you are not budgeting yet, you should be.
3. Give yourself permission to unplug.
Even just 30 minutes to an hour a day of being unplugged can make such a big difference. The world will continue without you constantly checking your email and updating your status. Your clients and followers will still be there to answer or engage with whatever you send or share next. Give yourself a break when you feel that you need one and your mind and body will thank you for it.
4. Eat better but don’t aim for perfection.
What you put into your body directly effects the way you feel. Eating fresh, healthy food is just as good for your mind as it is for your body and it is something that you completely deserve. However, don’t stress yourself out aiming for perfection. If the majority of the food you eat is healthy, an occasional treat is not the end of the world. Life is short and if a cupcake puts a smile on your face, eat it!