John and I have never been the type to go on traditional date nights so when I recently asked him if he would like to spend an evening in a chocolate molding course, he didn’t need any convincing. Even if the class ended up not being enjoyable, we knew that we would still get free chocolate.
Luckily for us, the chocolate molding class was fun, interesting, and easy (not to mention, delicious)!
16 oz. of Bittersweet Chocolate
8 oz. of Corn Syrup
Combine melted chocolate with ½ its weight of corn syrup that has been warmed to the same temperature as the chocolate.
Mix them together.
Place in an airtight container and let stand for an hour or more.
Knead mixture until it forms a workable paste.
Be careful not to overwork paste as it may get too oily.
Roll out paste on parchment paper to avoid sticking to surface.
Wrap well and store in an airtight container when not in use.
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