If you are like most entrepreneurs, you are working on multiple projects at the same time. When a big project comes along, it’s important to be able to stay focused on it while still managing the other various tasks you need to perform on a day to day basis.
Get organized
The more organized you are at the beginning of a project, the more organized you will remain throughout the project. Take the time to organize your thoughts and map out your plan of action for your upcoming project. Whether it be a notebook or an app, find out an organizational system that works best for you and stick to it.
Break Up the Work
Rome wasn’t built in a day and your big projects can’t be handled in a day either. You will do your best work if you have the time to focus on each element of the project without being too rushed. When you are making your plan of action, be sure to schedule breaks and give yourself as many days as necessary to successfully complete your project.
Remind Yourself Why it is Important
It is always easier to do work that we are passionate about. When you are overwhelmed and overtasked in the middle of a project, you may loose sight of why you decided to start the project in the first place. Be sure to remind yourself at various times while working on the project, just how important it is. The more challenging the project, the more reasons you may need to prepare. Write down your reasons in a notebook and pull it out when you need some motivation.
Take a break
Just a small break between 30 seconds to 5 minutes can improve mental acuity by an average of 13%. A 15 second break from your computer every 10 minutes can reduce fatigue by 50%! Also, remember that breaks are most effective when they are taken before they are actually needed. Taking the breaks you need will ensure that you are full of energy and ready to successfully tackle and complete any project that comes your way.