There is something very beautiful and calming to me about minimalism. I love it in art, design, decor, and clothing. As much as I admire minimalism, I still haven’t learned the art of mastering it. Growing up without a lot of extra money has made me a bit more materialistic than I care to admit. Even if I don’t often wear a certain dress or purse, or use a particular kitchen item, the act of buying it makes me feel secure in my finances. In actuality, keeping that money in my savings account would make my finances more secure and enable me to live a life where I am not bogged down by large amounts of stuff.
To be fair, John and I most likely do not have as much stuff as the average American couple. We live in a two bedroom/two bath apartment with a decent kitchen but a tiny living room so there is only so much that we can actually fit into our space. When it comes to furniture I think we have an appropriate amount for our home. When it comes to books, we can never have enough. But when it comes to stuff we don’t need, we have an abundance. Our stuff runeth over.
I’ve finally reached the point in my life where I have had enough and I am ready to conquer this mountain of stuff. I’ll never be quite on Joshua Field’s level but by the end of 2016 (or hopefully earlier) I plan to be completely organized and somewhat of a minimalist. I can’t promise to be a perfect minimalist but I will try my best.
Major changes don’t happen overnight (and stick) so I am writing out my minimalist goals and planning to accomplish one a week over the next six weeks.
My Goals:
- Clothing Purge
- Accessories Purge
- Reorganize Closet
- Stuff Purge
- Reorganize Office and Guest Closet
- Kitchen Purge and Reorganization
I’ll update you next Monday on how my first task goes. If you have any advice you want to share on minimalism and/or decluttering, tweet me!