Dance! Time to break out your dancing shoes! A big part of loving and enjoying your body is being able to use to it to do fun and active things without fear of judgment. While we are often worried that…
Weekly Self Love Challenge
Eat something healthy and delicious today. It’s a common misconception that people eat healthy because they want to lose weight. When someone reaches for a salad instead of a heavier option or chooses fruit over a dessert, people often will…
Weekly Self Love Challenge #6
6. Forgive Yourself. For many people forgiveness is hard but for most people, it’s harder to forgive themself than it is to forgive others. Forgiving yourself for mistakes that you have made in your past isn’t just helpful; it is…
Weekly Self Love Challenge #5
5. Get enough sleep tonight! One of the most important factors in our health is getting a good amount of sleep every night. In our society, sleep is now treated as a luxury instead of a necessity. Women especially put…
Weekly Self Love Challenge #3
Frame a picture of you that you love in a place you will see everyday. When it comes to our reflections, we are often our own worst critics. I know women who spend hours in front of the mirror…
Weekly Self Love Challenge #2
Ask your closest friends to describe you in 3 words. While working on a marketing project for my business, I had an exercise where I had to ask my closest friends to describe me in three words. This exercise was…
Weekly Self Love Challenge #1
Somewhere in the world right now there is a girl who is looking in the mirror feeling inadequate. Somewhere, someone is feeling like they would happily switch lives with anyone else. Somewhere there is someone who feels like no matter…