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As if not being allowed to show any signs of aging wasn’t enough, many people try to label each year of your twenties as The Year You Should Do Something Incredibly Important. Everyone knows about The Year You Can Legally Drink, and The Year You Should Have Graduated College. There is also The Year You Should Go To Grad School or The Year You Should Land A Great Job. Let’s not forget The Year You Should Get A Better Job, The Year You Should Be In A Good Relationship By Now, The Year You Should Already BE Engaged, The Year You Should Get Married, and The Year Of Where The Hell Are Your Children…Seriously Why Are You Not Pregnant Yet? Can You Even GET Pregnant?
I’ve successfully managed to do everything in my twenties completely out of the expected order, much to the horror of some people I know. I graduated high school early, only to end up dropping out of college to create the job of my dreams. While in the process of starting my business, I married my best friend and almost five years later, we are still not anywhere near ready for children. Even though my plate has gone from full to overflowing, many people still don’t understand why I don’t want to have children yet. I have been asked numerous times if John and I are unable to conceive. The craziest part is that the people who have asked this are not even close friends!
My mother used to ask me when I was having children on a weekly basis which normally resulted in an argument. She stopped asking for about a year but because my 27th birthday is right around the corner, she is ready to open up a dialogue about it again. Her method of delivery this time? An email. Yes, that’s right my mother now emails me to ask me when she is getting grandchildren.
For me, 27 doesn’t look like a house and 2.5 children, a normal job, and a checklist that society would agree with. And to be honest, I am more than fine with that. For me, 27 looks like traveling to new places, sleeping in on the weekends, spontaneous dates, new risks, and fun adventures. For me, 27 is looking forward to the future (yes, even the part where I age), accepting the past, loving the moment, and making each and every day count.
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