In a little less than 6 months I will be 28 so I thought it might be a good time to check in on my 27 Before 28 list. So far, things are going well and I believe most of my goals will be accomplished by the time I turn 28.
1. Visit 3 new places.
I’m still working on this one! When presented with the opportunity to travel so far this year, I have gone to places that I already know and love.
2. Visit 3 places I love.
Shortly after turning 27 I headed to NYC. I also spent some time in Charlotte, North Carolina and Savannah, Georgia this year.
3. Visit family/friends at least 3 times.
I visited family in North Carolina, Miami, and Naples.
4. Work out at least four times a week.
Besides the month that my grandfather was in the hospital, I have been pretty consistent with this since March.
5. Walk or run at least two miles every day.
It is always walking but I am getting it done!
6. Eat something green every day.
I have not been perfect with this one. I do eat something green every few days but I have not been doing it daily.
7. Go vegan for another full month.
Maybe I should do this during September. It’s not terribly hard since I am already a vegetarian but it definitely helps me feel lighter and eliminates anything that is not so healthy from my diet.
8. Start a weekly kindness challenge.
Working on this one! Hopefully I will start this weekend.
9. Come up with a more efficient system for my taxes.
10. Do three personal/passion projects.
I’m currently in the middle of two. I have no doubt that I will have three done by the time I am 28.
11. Open an Etsy store.
Still putting together the details on this one but hopefully in the next few months it will be done.
12. Teach my first e-course.
I’m starting to think this one will not happen before I turn 28 but possibly around the time I turn 28.
13. Collaborate with three creative people on different projects.
Currently on 2 of 3.
14. Read for pleasure every single day.
This one was easy!
15. Shoot for myself at least once a week.
So glad that I added this one. It’s so important to shoot for yourself even after you start doing it professionally.
16. Ask three of my role models out for lunch.
Working on 2 of 3.
17. Write at least five chapters of my book.
*bows head in shame* I am so behind on this one!
18. Photograph five families who cannot afford family pictures, as a gift.
I plan to do this in October and November so that the families can use it as their holiday photo.
19. Send emails to all my out of state and out of country friends at least once a week.
I’m definitely getting better at this.
20. Send cards to all my out of state and out of country friends at least once a month.
I slacked off during June and July but I am working on some August cards now!
21. Donate clothing at least four times.
Already done.
22. Create a great weekly cleaning schedule.
I’ve created it. I don’t always follow it…
23. Eat by the lake at least twice a month.
John and I have been doing this and it has been magical!
24. Start the day out with hot lemon water at least four times a week.
I missed doing this so much. I don’t know why I ever stopped!
25. Use the juicer at least five times a week.
It’s closer to three but I’m getting there.
26. Sing in a YouTube video.
Maybe this will happen when my guitar toting friend, Summer visits this weekend.
27. Do a comedy sketch.
Not sure when and if this will happen so I better start looking for opportunities!