In our modern society, it can be hard to take any time to relax. With busy schedules and never ending to do lists, sometimes we neglect to take time out for ourselves. An important part of self-love is realizing that you are deserving of down time and you shouldn’t feel guilty for taking time out of your day to just focus on yourself.
Every day, I schedule in at least 30 minutes to do something alone that I enjoy. Usually I spend that time reading or meditating. If my day isn’t extremely busy, I happily spend more time on relaxing activities that I enjoy.
In our society, women are especially taught that we need to be constantly busy. Mothers with any free time are looked down upon because some people think that they should spend every waking moment doing something for their children. Even before motherhood, women are often encouraged to spend their extra time on activities that normally wouldn’t be described as relaxing. Yet in our culture, it is usually accepted that men will play videogames or watch sports for hours on end. This double standard has to die and you need to understand that you are more than deserving of having free time. Whether it is reading, video games, or simply just doing nothing that makes you feel relaxed, find some time to focus on you and only you, every single day.
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