I’m ready for a weekend filled with both work and play. After working in my home office all day today, I will be heading off to the first official day of Epcot’s International Food and Wine Festival. If you follow me on twitter or instagram, you know I have been counting down the days until I can sink my teeth into everything from this year’s vegan cart.
Tomorrow will consist of a visit to my grandpa, lunch with John and my mother in law, photographing a portrait session, and a trip to a brewery. On Sunday I have another session and hopefully I will get in some giggle time with my Goddaughter.
Here’s hoping that your weekend is productive, happy, and everything you want it to be!
Business & Entrepreneurship
► Angel from Studio 404 discusses knowing your limits when it comes to running your business.
►If you are looking for the perfect mentor, this article is for you.
►Five ways entrepreneur’s can reduce stress.
► I think every place on this list would be fun to visit. I really love visiting places that have inspired others so greatly.
► Anyone have a spare tent?
► This just makes me want to grab my camera and go everywhere!
► I’m counting down the days until I can visit London! Until then, I will live vicariously though Bobbi!
►How reading slowly can reduce your stress level.
►We all need a little help sometimes when it comes to facing our fears.
►If you ever needed a reason to start meditating, here are 20!