Spend some time alone.
In our busy, plugged in society, it can be hard to find a minute for yourself. An important part of loving and accepting yourself is learning how to be alone. You should enjoy spending time alone because you are really spending time with yourself! You should never be ashamed to dine alone, go see that new movie you want to see by yourself, or forgo the extra advice and shop for that new pair of shoes by yourself. I actually prefer shopping alone now as opposed to shopping with others. I find that not only do I trust my own opinion enough not to need anyone else’s when it comes to what I should wear, I also feel very relaxed on solo shopping trips and I can spend more time in the stores that I want to spend time in. Another great way to spend time alone is to pick up a hobby or a craft. I love to paint alone and I am thinking about starting to crochet so I can make some adorable beanies for this fall. Whether you are doing something interesting or nothing at all, a little time spent alone each day can do wonders for your sense of self and your personal relationship with yourself.