1.You will never be anyone else. Accept that.
You only get one body, one mind, one YOU! In this life time, you will never be anyone else. Why waste time wishing that you were? The sooner you start practicing some self love, the sooner you will be celebrating who you are!
2. There are well over 6 billion people in the world and there is only one you.
You will never be anyone else and no one else on this earth will ever be you. You are unique, one of a kind, one in 6 BILLION…so start acting like it! There isn’t another person who is capable of being exactly like you so celebrate your individuality and embrace being yourself.
3. Real friends will accept you for who you are.
The people who matter in your life will like you just the way you are, flaws and all. No one is perfect (although Oprah is pretty close) and the important people in your life will know that and accept you for who you really are.
4. There is something that you are phenomenal at.
Everyone is really great at something. If you don’t think you are, then you haven’t found it yet or you are not paying attention to it. Get out there and try new things! When you know what you are good at, do it often and be proud!
5. Mean people are going to be mean.
There are some people out there who will make you feel like you need to change the way you look or act based on nonsense they have in their head. Regardless of what any of us do, those people will always be out there, judging us and trying to bring us down to their level. Ignore them and move on with your life. If someone doesn’t realize how great you are, that is their loss.
5. You have the option of contributing something positive to society.
Everyone in this world has the option every day to make the best out of the situation that they are in. Everyone also has the option of contributing something positive to society. Whether it is something simple like a smile to a stranger or something more complex such as a documentary to bring about societal changes, your contribution matters.
7. Someone already loves you just the way you are.
Undoubtedly, someone already loves you just the way you are. There is someone in this world who thinks you are wonderful and worth loving. Be thankful for that and let it be a reminder to embrace who you are, every day.