We have all dealt with days when our stress levels have gone through the roof. Many of us with demanding jobs feel constantly stressed. So often, people solve their stress related problems with unhealthy food that not only doesn’t solve the problem but ends up making it worse. Not to mention, so many of us are completely pressed for time, which is part of the reason we are so stressed out in the first place! Below, I have listed 10 things you can do to combat stress is the work place (and beyond). The best part? Each of the things on this list can be done in 10 minutes or less!
1. Take a deep breath and count to 10.
It sounds cliché but this quick and easy method actually works. Steady your breath and feel yourself physically relax as you slowly count to 10.
2. Take a 10 minute walk.
If you are stressed out at work, you don’t have to grab some chocolate to get through your work day. Instead, try going on a quick walk if your schedule will allow it. Just 10 minutes is enough to completely change your day for the better.
3. Call a friend who always puts you in a good mood.
You know that friend who always puts a smile on your face simply by being their selves? Pick up the phone and allow them to work their magic on you. Whether it is with a joke, a recap of their day, or just the need to hear the voice of someone who you know will always have your back, a quick conversation with someone who makes you happy will do just that…make you happy!
4. Watch a funny YouTube video.
Scientifically speaking, laughter kicks stress in the butt. Whether its laughing babies, crazy cats, or College Humor, go ahead and watch a video or two and don’t suppress that laughter!
5. Take a nap.
Sometimes you are just beat. Maybe you went to bed late, maybe you tossed and turned, and now you are stressing out about being tired and the lack of sleep you had. Go ahead and sneak in a quick siesta. As little as 10 minutes of rest can help recharge your batteries and allow you to be more focused and less stressed!
6. Meditate.
I believe that everyone should meditate every day whether they are stressed or not. Not only does mediation help your stress levels, it also can help you have more energy, improve your critical thinking skills, and help you sleep better!
7. Read a novel.
This is one of my very favorite ways to get rid of stress. Many people think that with a mile high to do list, the last thing you should do is pick up a good book and read for 10 minutes but in actuality, it is a huge stress reliever and can help you focus better. Reading a novel for about 10 minutes allows you to escape the every day stresses that you are dealing with for just enough time so that you can come back from your mini reading session with an unclouded mind and a clear focus.
8. Get a mini massage.
It is getting easier and easier to find a 10 minute massage on your lunch break. While picking up some staples at Whole Foods yesterday, I saw that they had a massage therapist on staff for 10 and 15 minute massages on your lunch break. Not only does massage help manage stress, but it also helps with headaches, insomnia, and digestive health.
9. Daydream.
Don’t have a novel on hand? Meditating just isn’t your thing? Afraid to allow yourself to have a nap for fear that you will sleep well past your lunch break? Just sit back and daydream! Just be sure to make it a happy one!
10. Doodle.
There is a reason so many of us doodle as children. It allows us to explore different parts of our imagination and essentially, daydream on paper. You are never too old to doodle! Also, don’t be discouraged if you don’t think of yourself as a great artist. Remember that you are not creating art to submit to MOMA but you are creating art to help relieve stress and get rid of negative energies.
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