It happens to all of us at some point or another. The best intentions are laid. We carry them out to the best of our ability. Yet still, somehow, things don’t work out quite as we planned. Maybe our calculations…
3 Things I Learned While Suffering Through The Flu
Monday night I felt a slight tickle in my throat and assumed that I might be coming down with a sore throat. I gargled with some warm salt water and went to bed. I woke up two hours later with…
Yes, you can have it all (It just looks a little differently than you think)
There’s a question that most entrepreneurs ask themselves at one time or another. Can I have it all? The answer to that question is, yes you can have it all. It just looks differently than what you think. Work…
10 Things I Wish I Knew In My Early 20’s
Not everyone benefits from college. College can be a smart and helpful step for many people, but not everyone benefits from it. If you are going into a career where you will not be required to have a college degree,…
3 Things I Learned In 2014
2014 has been a lot of things. It has been difficult, it has been joyful, and it has been memorable. It has definitely contained more ups and downs than most years for me. Losing a close family friend and my…
10 Things I learned from Being a Kid (that still help me as an adult)
Kid President knows what’s up. 1. It’s fun to meet new people. Now that I am an adult, the thought of meeting new people is sometimes accompanied with sweaty palms and anxiety. It is easy to wonder if you…
5 Things You Must Do When A Loved One Is In The Hospital
As some of you already know, my 85 year old grandfather had emergency open heart surgery in June. It was definitely terrifying and this summer has been one full of high anxiety, worry, and stress. I’m so happy to…
The Quarter Life Crisis
Last year, a good friend of mine had what some might call a break down. One day, her life seemed to be headed in the right direction and the next day, everything just felt out of control. Instead of being…
6 Ways to Stop Procrastinating
1. Write it Down Sometimes the simple of act of writing something down can have a large impact. I have no problem admitting that I don’t get anything done unless I write it down. All of us have busy lives…
10 Steps to Take Before Becoming a Entrepreneur
There is a lot to consider when you are starting out as an entrepreneur. I am often asked what I would tell myself if I could go back in time and give myself advice before starting my business. Here is…
Negative to Positive
This past Saturday, I arranged for John and I to take a behind the scenes tour of the Magic Kingdom. We had to meet for our tour at 8:15 am. Around 7:30 am, we were pulling in to park, only…
Your Passion Will Lead to Your Purpose
“Follow your passion. It will lead to your purpose.” –Oprah Winfrey There is a lot of pressure in our society to make money and have a certain kind of success. In searching for a particular kind of success, a…